The Battle Royale craze is phenomenal to watch. It’s all around the world are jumping in on fortnite gaming day in and day out sometime streaming there game-play. This is what people love to do and it’s such a humbling feeling to know that kids all around the world that can’t afford to buy a new game fortnite for free footed and thethe gaming with one of the most widely active communities. Numbers don’t lie. Apex Legends has 50 million users in the first month. Well fortnite has over 200 million users. Now that is a huge establishment. Players unknown battlegrounds it’s also another massive hit with. We don’t get it just like you don’t, but the fact of the matter is, once you jump online and try these you soon after you can see why there is tons of fun and gaming addiction to be had.
The fitness Revolution in video games is such a impactful way to get gamers to have fun while exercising which will lead to Better Health while you are having fun. This is an ongoing trend future exciting. There has been Dance games like Dance Dance Revolution, music games like Guitar Hero and rock band that paved the way 4 newer experience in technology Wii, PlayStation Move, and Kinect. The future is exciting with Fitness and VR as you did not have to use much tracking devices with modern VR technology does evolving to turn to a wireless experience. Most recently beat saber is a music game design to use a saber like Star Wars as your virtual instruments inspired by previous music games like guitar Hero where you’re challenging yourself to keep up what the patterns and be reactive to keep up and amplify the song you’re playing on.
While you take a break from battle royal and dance games, let’s see what this week brings.