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Instead of Making RPGs 100+ hours, make them shorter with higher quality

In 2020, people don’t need to be spending their lives in side quests. Use the budget in higher quality original animations and fight scenes. See Final Fantasy VII Remake and Pokemon Sword and Shield as prime examples.

Pokemon Sword and Shield have really set the mark for a top notch high quality JRPG. GameFreak has learned so much and clearer have responded to their fans, but being considerate for our time by making navigating the lands by using a bicycle or generally having a faster than average walking pace. They also gave us options to speed up the text and reading of character conversation which is sadly not available too often in most RGPs. By focusing development on animations and cut scenes that sets an RPG over the rest as it’s vital to the intensity and action of battle scenes.


There is so many resources being used that RPGs over easily over 100GB download which is alot for anyone on their hard drive. It is crucial to only keep your top notch games consuming your hard drive space. Luickly most RPGs are high quality and worth it, but they are so deep you generally can only work through one at a time. Instead of making a million side quests, just make an awesome expierence for the main story. We will happily be willing to fork over our cash for the sequel of an RPG with a great story. We want expirences and memories. Not repitition and pointless side quests. Final Fantasy 7 has a legendary presense about it. It is ahead of it’s time when first lauching on the original PlayStation. We are not surprised that we found out it’s getting re-done for a new generation, that it created a massive following of people intrigued and hyped to get to play the new vision of the game.

Until next time, check out our available RPGs to play.

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