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Gamer gets raided by police during live broadcast due to swatting prank

Joshua Peters, better known as Koopatroopa786 on his twitch channel, got an unexpected visit by the police during his live twitch broadcast on February 6th, 2015; there were nearly 60,000 viewers on his twitch channel at the time. Koopa, who regular streams on his twitch channel, was playing the game Runescape when he heard loud noises and his mother cry out that there were officers in the home. Confused, Koopa left his stream to see what was happening. Koopa normally wears noise canceling headphones making the scene he saw much more dramatic, as when he opened the door he and his family were surrounded by SWAT and police officers.

The officers who stormed his home were “very professional about it” when they realized they had been sent to the house as part of a swatting prank. Apparently, someone in the stream had found out and posted his home address. Someone, possibly the same person, must have then proceeded to call 911 pretending there was an emergency at the address so serious that it a SWAT team decided to come in force. When Koopa returned to his twitch channel, he was able to tell from the twitch chat that someone had pranked him. He quickly stopped his broadcast, but not before delivering this message to the pranker:

Officers are still investigating the incident. Peters is not sure who could have target him as he doesn’t have “beef” with anyone. He told ABC News the following about the ordeal:

“It was more or less a wake-up call that I have to be careful. It can happen to anybody,” he said. “I came back on after and told everyone what was going on. I knew the person who did it was watching and I wanted to let them know you can’t do this.”

Read more at ABC News

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