Stay home gamers, playing games during quarantine is a wise move as it’s so easy and risky to get sick by going out. The best thing you can do is stay home. People are getting better by wearing facemasks, but it’s not enough. Stores are sometimes making it mandatory for people to wear facemasks as a requirement. Gloves are helpful too, but they can spread the virus just like not wearing them so the best thing you can do is wash your hands. This a good time to clean your keyboards, mouse and monitors. Also clean your controllers, joysticks, and mobile phones with disinfectant wipes for those that game on mobile. The safest thing is to do is to stay home and play video games. Playing game online multiplayer with friends is the way to go instead of playing couch co-op with your friends. Gaming home and chill is the new Netflix and chill so time to binge folks. This is a the way friends,so get used to it for the next year or so. Soon a time will come when non-essential businesses start opening up so now is the time more than ever to educate yourself and your fellow neighbors to stay safe and protect yourselves.
Stay home gamer, this is a time of humbleness and patience. Our time will come when gamers can march on outside of their home acouple of steps forward, to walk acouple steps background to their gaming chair and fire up some multiplayer. The best thing to do is spread the word for people to stay home play games and watch movies. Keep family gatherings small so nobody gets sick. If you feel the need to excerise there are plenty of Switch games to get you moving in no time such as Mario Tennise Aces and Just Dance 2020.
Need something new to play? Check out our game selection that’s available. And get it while it’s hot!