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YouTube Leak Threatens Success of Highly Anticipated PS4 Exclusive

The Order 1886

The Order: 1886 is a PS4 exclusive set to be released on February 20th, 2015. The game, which is considered to be by many as one of the most highly anticipated games of 2015, is now surrounded by controversy. A YouTuber, either through legal or illegal means, was able to get full access to the game, and posted an entire walkthrough of the game online; the video shows every cutscene, level, and feature the game has to offer. If you didn’t already know, there is a unspoken rule among video game reviewers not to post walkthroughs or in depth reviews before a game’s official release date. The release of the video it has prompted many video game reviewers to break that rule, since it is now nearly impossible not to discuss the subject of gameplay since it has been seen by so many. The length of the video walkthrough is a little over 5 hours, which has sparked a a major debate that the game length may be too short too justify its $60 dollar price tag. Out of the 5 hours, the cutscenes alone make up for about half of it. Developers responded by stating that the suggested game length of 5 hours of was “not true” and that the average gamer could get much more time out of it.

Watch part of the gameplay video here:

Much of the original video has been taken down by YouTube, but the damage has already been done. The internet has been flooded with game footage. Forbes has already written an article stating that that the Order: 1886 is going to be one of the most disappointing video games of the year based on the footage they saw. GameSpot’s Mark walton complains about the bad stealth mechanics, the uninspiring combat, and forced play sequences. After watching the gameplay footage ourselves, the game can be best described as a mix of Assassin’s Creed and Resident Evil. We will wait to fully judge the game until we get a chance to play it ourselves, but it begs the question: Is reviewing a game not yet released fair game? Will the supposed 5 hour game length affect your intent on purchasing this game? Let us know your thoughts below.

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